Blissful Mermaids

Legends of these half-human, half-fish humanoids have circulated for millennia, even as far back as 5000 BC. I love the way mermaids' tails 'sparkle like diamonds and emeralds [and] their hair flows around them like veils of silk.'

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Queen of the Sea

Queen of the Sea
By Joan Elliott
Date started: 28th October 2008
Date finished: 29th April 2009 (21.30hrs Australian Eastern Time)

It still needs a wash, and probably the removal of excess Labrador Retriever 'specialty fibres', but here it is in all its glory. I'm so very pleased with it!

Thanks Joan for making it possible.

Thank you everyone in the cross stitch blogworld for your wonderful encouragement! I would never have started, let alone finished it without your egging me on.

Hugs, happiness & laughter to one and all,
